Active projects

European projects

EVOLVE: Electric Vehicles Point Location Optimisation via Vehicular Communications

2022-2026 (Active)
101086218. MSCA Staff Exchange. Horizon Europe.
Project Coordinator Project Website

EVOLVE aims to exploit the scientific excellence and expertise of key academic and industrial players into a joint collaborative effort to design, develop and test various technologies that consider the holistic view of Electric Vehicles (EV) charging taking into account the view of technical and business stakeholders. EVOLVE will pursue innovation for advancing the technologies in EV charging ecosystem by orchestrating and managing the underlying networking and computational resources, design innovative algorithms using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning ML), developing communication protocols, prediction and optimising load in smart grids, developing software systems and user interfaces (UIs). EVOLVE aims to transcend analytical models and simulation-based validation and aims to deliver five proof-of-concept (PoC) demonstrations. EVOLVE project will provide a platform to foster a close collaboration between academia and industry partners providing each with a unique experience to create new knowledge, share know-how and skills development.

National projects

DiTaS: A framework for agnostic compositional and cognitive digital twin services

2023-2026 (Active)
PID2022-141705OB-C21. Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2022
PIs: Dr. Manuel Díaz and Dr. Cristian Martín

The requirements for continuous analysis and prediction of the real-time behavior of assets and their possible future state have led to the emergence of the well-known digital twins. Digital twins play a key role in the digital transformation for the industry 4.0 and beyond. However, the efforts made so far have pursued vertical and tailored solutions, but not interoperable and plug&play services. The DiTaS project shifts towards interoperable, composable, and cognitive digital twins as services. DiTaS will provide an open digital twin framework for the definition of interoperable, agnostic, and cognitive digital twins services in the Industry 4.0.

ZeroVision: Enabling Zero impact wastewater treatment through Computer Vision and Federated AI

2023-2025 (Active)
CPP2021-009032. Proyectos de Colaboración Público-Privada
PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz

ZeroVision will design and deliver a next-generation AI-based ecosystem of technologies, integrated into a single process control platform to enable intelligent, highly efficient, sustainable, and resilient operations in wastewater management through Computer Vision and Federated AI.

GEDIER: Application of Digital Twins to more sustainable irrigated farms

2023-2025 (Active)
TED2021-130167B-C33. Proyectos de Transición Ecológica y Transición Digital
PIs: Dr. Manuel Díaz and Dr. Bartolomé Rubio Project Website

Every object in a farm (crop, soil, equipment) can be virtualized (digital twin) and remotely controlled by IoT systems. A Digital Twin is the digital equivalent of a real-life object and reproduces its behavior throughout its life cycle in a virtual space. Using a Farm Digital Twin for irrigated farms, (IFDT), it is possible to characterize and improve the processes necessary for production to achieve higher productivity and sustainability. The aim of GEDIER is to develop an agricultural production model that takes advantage of disruptive digital technologies and moves towards an agriculture with greater protection of natural resources (water, soil, fertilizers, and inputs in general) and increases people’s quality of life using digital twins.

5G+TACTILE_2: Digital vertical twins for B5G/6G networks

2022-2024 (Active)
UNICO-5G I+D call
PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz Project Website

The 5G+TACTILE_2 project addresses the creation of digital twins for vertical solutions over advanced 5G and towards 6G. The project includes the design of an architecture to support the development of hybrid and distributed digital twins; a software infrastructure with low latency multiprotocol support for twin deployment; and a framework for the design of hybrid digital twins and distributed AI techniques. As a result of the project, two digital twins will be deployed for the two use cases of the coordinated project: autonomous driving and immersive telepresence. The participation of at least three companies performing R&D and software development is envisaged.

Finished projects

Finished projects

IntegraDos: Provisión de Servicios en Tiempo Real para el Internet de las Cosas mediante la Integración de Sensores en la Nube

2021-2023 (Active)
PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz

The main objective of the IntegraDos project is the development of a Framework that facilitates the integration of WSANs in the Cloud, supporting, through the proper fit between CC and FC, services with rigorous quality requirements (QoS – Quality of Service) related to the efficient use of resources and the fulfilment of execution deadlines. IntegraDos will provide techniques and methods for a platform capable of supporting Real-Time at two levels: Data Acquisition (from WSANs) and Service Provisioning (to Cloud users). The Framework will support a new Sensor and Actor Infrastructure as a Service (SAIaaS) model, capable of providing Real-Time services from virtualised sensors and actors.

ebalance+: Energy balancing and resilience solutions to unlock the flexibility and increase market options for distribution grid

PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz Project Website

The EU-funded project ebalance-plus will develop smart-grid solutions to increase the energy flexibility and the electric grid observability, providing new services for distribution grid operators, transmission system operators, aggregators, energy retailers, DER managers, building facility managers, prosumers, and consumers, empowering them with more functionalities to interact with the grid and manage the energy flows.

rFOG: Improving latency and reliability of offloaded computation to the FOG for critical services

RT2018-099777-B-100. Proyectos de I+D+i RETOS INVESTIGACIÓN 2018
PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz

Mission critical services based on cloud processing are very sensible to latency and reliability of the computation nodes and the communication network. These requirements are even more sensible when offloading computation to the Fog due to lack of unified fault-tolerance mechanisms. Some examples are mission critical IoT, connected vehicles, drone control, etc. This research project, rFOG, will research on novel techniques to increase the confidence in these scenarios in two complementary directions: the reliability and fault-tolerance of the device/Fog/Cloud computation hierarchy and the new protocols for ultra-reliable low latency communication.

Advanced Monitoring System based on Deep Learning Services in Fog

PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz

The overall objective of the project is to provide advanced monitoring services based on the use of DL techniques for automatic pattern recognition on an open source platform running on a hybrid IoT/FC/CC infrastructure. In this way, it will be possible to run Distributed Deep Neural Networks (DDNN), partitioned over the distributed computing hierarchy consisting of the Cloud, the Fog and the end devices. On the one hand, by performing part of the data analysis on the devices themselves and on the FC servers, latency will be reduced considerably; on the other hand, the benefits of powerful DC facilities will be preserved, as part of the services will run on the Cloud servers.

Preventive Maintenance of Wind Turbines based on Deep Learning Techniques in the Fog

PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz

In Andalusia there are a total of 147 wind farms that can supply more than 1.5M homes. This project aims to implement preventive maintenance techniques for their wind turbines in order to increase their availability and optimise their life cycle while reducing their operating costs. The reliability and real-time monitoring requirements require the combination of multidisciplinary areas such as artificial intelligence, fog computing, IoT and big data.

KAMIC: Development of a Self-Installable Kit for Structural Monitoring of Critical Infrastructures

PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz
Project Website

MisTIca: Monitorización de infraestructuras críticas basada en tecnologías inalámbricas

PI: Dr.Bartolomé Rubio
Project website

E-BALANCE: Balancing energy production and consumption in energy efficient smart neigbourhood

8.06.25/47.7060. EUROPEAN FUNDINGS
PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz
Project website

FASTRACK: eco-Friendly And Sustainable slab TRACK for high-speed lines

FEDER – Innterconecta
PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz
Project website

WSAN4CIP: Wireless Sensor Actuator Networks for Critical Infrastructure Protection

ST-027587/ 8.06.EU/47.7008. EUROPEAN FUNDINGS
PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz
Project website

DESARROLLO de Software para Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores y Actores

PI: Dr.Bartolomé Rubio

SMEPP: Secure Middleware for Embedded peer to peer Systems

IST-027587/ 8.06.EU/47.7008. EUROPEAN FUNDINGS
PI: Dr. Manuel Díaz